Mike Rohrig

Mike Rohrig Consulting


Building Stronger Teams

Strengthen your team's communications skills, awareness of themselves, and understanding of their customers.

Our Services

DISC Style Assessments and Traning
DISC Profile Assessment

DISC Assessement

This powerful assessment illuminates strengths and weaknesses, while giving each person a better understanding of themselves.

Training Class DISC Profile

DISC Training

Understanding the DISC Styles reduces team friction, improves hiring choices and strengthens client relations.

Team DISC Report

Team Reports

DISC Team Reports help you see where your organization has balance, gaps and opportunites for improvement.


Sometimes knowledge and training are not enough to create a transformation as group and one-on-one coaching can provide.

Why Choose Us And The DISC?

Benefit 1

We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions.  The DISC makes those intentions obvious which reduces workplace friction.

Benefit 2

The first step to solving any problem begins with self-awareness. The DISC powerfully and elegantly makes us aware.

Benefit 3

The DISC makes the hiring process  allows you to get deeper with potential hires. You see beyond what the resume might be trying to hide.

Benefit 4

Move from the Golden Rule to the Platinum Rule. Knowing the DISC Styles allows us to treat others as they wish to be treated which makes happier clients.

Mike Rohrig

Mike Rohrig has been using DISC Assessments since 2015. The DISC has been an integral tool in his hiring process as well as the training of employees and sales people. 

An interesting side-effect of understanding the different DISC styles is that everyone who learns it remarks how it helped them understand family and friends on a deeper level. This isn’t just for business, it’s a life skill.

Client Testimonials

“YOU were the highlight of the Sales Summit. I had a meeting yesterday with the planning committee and as feedback from the team was reviewed, it was unanimous: you were their favorite speaker and the DISC Profiles were the favorite topic of the whole 2 day meeting!”
Stephanie C.
“You were so relatable! When you shared your personal examples about aesthetics and life at home with your dirty socks on the floor (haha), it brought us all closer to you. You made the material come to life!"
Kathy C
“Coaching with you through the DISC helped me understand my million dollar client and how to better approach them so we were on the same page and I got the listing!”
Tiana J

Don't Waste Any More Time And Resources

You are rarely going to find such a small thing that will give you such an enormous return on your investment

Copyright Mike Rohrig 2023

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